An ancient Japanese healing modality, reiki involves an awareness of the chakras, or energy centres of the body. There are 7 main ones, and if these are not able to function properly due to imbalance perhaps from tiredness, poor eating habits, surgery or emotional upset, we are affected and can feel unwell and not function at our best.
A reiki practitioner is able to sense and feel the energy, and can encourage flow to be restored to optimum levels, clearing stuck areas. This alternative therapy works well on any living thing, we are all energetic beings, humans, animals and plants can all be treated with great success, either in person or from a distance.
The ultimate in relaxation, hypnosis is a safe, drug free easy way to make huge changes in your life. Imagine an iceberg, the tip we see above the water is the smallest part, the huge bulk being hidden from view.
Your brain works much like this, the subconscious part which runs the show, is hidden and yet is responsible for over 90% of your everyday function. Your thinking brain only does a tiny part, yet it’s the bit we notice! Cluttered with the hustle and bustle of all we come into contact with in our lives, a reset can help you to make the best choices for you. Stopping smoking, weight loss, anxiety, phobias, fears, the list is endless!
All of these can be addressed in only a couple of sessions, although this depends on each individual situation.
No weeks of sessions needed, this modern method is fast and effective.
Make that change now.
I have recently become a Katharine Graves Hypnobirthing teacher. One of the early pioneers of hypnobirthing , this complete ante natal class course is 8 hours long, usually delivered in two hour chunks, but can be varied to suit personal circumstances.
The course ensures parents to be are fully informed of their rights to choose and make their experience their own. Although birth can be viewed as a routine event by some health professionals , every birth is unique and individual and is YOUR birth-day !
Terminology can be confusing and potentially stressful unless you understand the meaning. This course demystifies the language and events that may occur during labour and birth, giving you evidence based up to date information and signposting you to reliable places to find any info you want. You’ll be well prepared for every eventuality, whenever, however your baby decides to make an appearance, and it will!
Our aim is to educate and inform as well as have some fun finding out about the pregnancy and birth journey , and empowering women particularly to have the calm, peaceful birth they and their baby deserves. We have no pushing, huffing and puffing here!